Evaluation of changes in land surface temperature (LST) of villages on holidays (case study: villages of Taft, Yazd)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Remote Sensing, Center for Remote Sensing and GIS Research, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Climatology, Department of Geography, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


One of the two-way consequences of global warming and climate change is its effects on water and air pollution, which can affect rural livelihoods or the destruction of rural areas. The current research examines the effect of human presence and his heat-generating devices and activities on the Land Surface Temperature (LST) of the summer residences of Taft city, Yazd province. For this purpose, the images of two comparative periods of April (April 10 with April 2) and summer (Friday with Thursday and Saturday) of Landsat 8 and 9 satellites were used. Then the surface temperature map and hot-spot analysis (G-i-star) of the area were prepared and the changes were evaluated. The results showed that in April period, 64% and in summer period, 60.1% of rural areas experienced an increase in LST. Also, 1.43% to 43.5% of the rural area of the region had experienced an increase in temperature in April and 31.2% to 31.8% in summer. An increase in temperature variance was also observed in these areas, which shows an increase in temperature variation in these areas. The number of hot spots in these areas also increased by 111.4% in April and 48% and 21.1% in summer. The results also showed that 65.1% of rural vegetation in April and 49.8% in summer faced an increase in LST, of which there was a 19% increase in April and 49.9 and 8.6% in summer in temperature variance and 3. 118 percent of April and 9.5 and 0.2 percent of summer in the number of hot spots, the share of areas with vegetation was. According to the results, all the villages had experienced an increase in LST, and the fluctuations of this increase were greater in the villages with less vegetation and less area. The current research can be considered as a warning for the creation of rural thermal islands (like cities) on holidays with many tourists and serious damage to vegetation and rural climate.


Main Subjects

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